I expected a Higurashi game and clicked immediately, but then I've got something very different... Usually, I'm very sceptical of the games that borrow assets from somewhere else. They don't feel like an original artist's vision but just a regular collage instead. This game, however, felt like a dreamt up definition of the art itself. I's just right as it is, but then you wake up and see the obvious differences between the elusive reality and even more elusive, when awake, Morpheic theories. Rena Game is Rena Game. But that's not the problem, here. This game has all the cheap stylistic choices, but it totally works in the game's favour and isn't irritating at all. The game puts you in a mood and I really enjoyed that mood. It's really unfair on the hard diffiulty and I'd love to say that I beat it, but I was so tired during the final boss' second form, that I cheated. And I never cheat in games. Also, one of the bosses (I believe it was the first one after entering the restroom) is totally skippable, because the door just isn't there behind them. You really bought me with your weird game and you deserve these stars just for the soundtrack alone. Take care. (edit: I've managed to beat the final boss on normal just after writing this. The problem with beating it on hard was that every time I had to go through the first form again and again)